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Analysis of three most common performances of protection glov

Author:Gloves Addtime:2022-11-23 14:13:54 Click:
Nowadays, the range of work gloves used in daily life is more and more extensive, however, many users still are not very familiar with three common performances of protection gloves, so the manufacturer and supplier of protection gloves will introduce to users. hope to help everyone.
work gloves
The first performance is acid & alkali resistance, namely coated gloves for preventing acid and alkali damage to hand. Protection gloves are not allowed to have frosting, brittleness, stickiness and damage, at the same time, protective glove must have air tightness, namely it is not allowed to leak under certain pressures. The material of acid & alkali protective glove is generally divided into rubber acid & alkali resistant gloves, latex acid & alkali resistant gloves and plastic acid & alkali resistant gloves.
The second performance is insulation of protective glove, professional need to wear insulation gloves when work on electrical equipment with an AC voltage of 10 KV and below 10 KV. At the same time, protective gloves not only need to have strong tensile strength, but also need to have anti-piercing performance, aging resistance, flame resistance and low temperature resistance.
The third performance is oil resistance, which is to prevent people' s hands suffering from irritating and various skin diseases that caused by grease, such as dermatitis, acne, folliculitis, dry skin, chapped, pigmentation, nails changes and so on.