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What are functions of industrial gloves

Author:Gloves Addtime:2023-10-11 17:02:58 Click:
Industrial gloves are an important personal protective equipment that safeguards the health and safety of workers in various industries. Their functions are wide-ranging, including protecting hands from cuts, abrasions, punctures, burns, chemicals, and other hazards. Here are some of the key functions of industrial gloves:
Protection Against
Industrial gloves can effectively prevent external trauma, such as cuts, scratches, needle pricks, etc. The gloves are made of thick and tough materials, which can effectively prevent external trauma and protect hands.
Chemical Resistance
Industrial gloves have different chemical resistances, which can be used to protect hands from various acids, alkalis, solvents and other chemicals.
Heat Resistance
Industrial gloves can also provide heat resistance, which can protect hands from burns caused by high temperature materials and equipment.
Waterproof and Dustproof Properties
Industrial gloves are waterproof and dustproof, which can effectively prevent moisture and dust from entering the gloves, and thus protect hands from dampness and dirt.
Enhancement OF Gripping Force
Industrial gloves can enhance the gripping force of hands, which can improve work efficiency and ensure worker safety.
In short, industrial gloves play an important role in protecting the health and safety of workers in various industries. Workers must wear industrial gloves in accordance with relevant regulations to ensure their own safety and the safety of others.