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The correct selection of safety gloves

Author:Gloves Addtime:2022-11-23 14:13:54 Click:
First of all, it is necessary to determine if the work is harmful to workers' hands, and then select functional gloves.
Common situations:
1.Machine manufacturing & repairing will struck and hurt the skin of hands.
Such gloves should be selected: qualified cotton yarn gloves, latex coated gloves with lining (common lining materials are cotton yarn and knitted fabric).
2, Hands will be rubbed & collided by bricks and stones when mining and construction of roads.
The gloves used are mainly canvas gloves, various rubber gloves (including semi-dipped gloves with inner lining), and leather gloves.
3. For aquatic food production, hands will be damaged if immerse in water for a long time.
The main gloves used are: waterproof gloves (full-dipped gloves with liner)
4. Some work refers to acid, alkali and oil will erode the skin of hands.
The gloves used are mainly acid-resistant gloves, alkali-resistant gloves, and oil-resistant gloves.
5, The temperature of boiler and microwave oven will burn your hands.
The gloves used are mainly temperature-resistant gloves, heat-insulated gloves, microwave oven gloves, or thickened cotton gloves. These gloves must be made of cotton and heat-insulating materials, otherwise gloves are unqualified products.
6, Ice storage and winter work is easy to frostbite hands.
No matter what gloves are, they must be non-slip and durable except for their respective functions, even disposable gloves, sturdy is the basic requirement.
Here is a warm reminder that some customers are wrong only in pursuit of gloves` price and solidity! Gloves wearing is for the safety of workers` hands. If they simply pursue the low price and durable, but neglect the function and application of gloves, they not get the due protection, but endanger their hands! Such as nylon gloves, some people think they are strong, but ignore that this gloves are not non-slip, it is easy to fall from hands when grasping objects, endangering themselves. For example, working at high temperature, some people think gloves can insulate with thickness, but negligently heat-insulating gloves. The  temperature-resistant gloves with olyester-cotton materials and microwave oven gloves can not insulate heat, but increase the thermal conductivity and burn your hands easily! For example, some people think that gloves used for maintenance machine will be dirty after a while, so choosed thin and cheap disposable gloves. As a result, the skin of hands were eroded by the oil and other harmful substances. Occasionally, hands collides with machine and skin is hurt, these hazards will be reduced if you wear thicker protective gloves.