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The type of high temperature resistant gloves and the selection of thermal insulation gloves

Author:Gloves Addtime:2022-11-23 14:13:54 Click:
High temperature resistant gloves are used in many industrial links, the most common of which is the protection on operator's hands in high temperature environments. We divide high temperature resistant gloves into 3 types: environmental heat high temperature resistant gloves, radiation heat high temperature resistant gloves and contacting heat high temperature resistant gloves.
1. Ambient heat high temperature resistant gloves: This temperature is equivalent to the temperature of weather forecast. It is difficult to protect with protective equipment in daily life and industrial operations. Generally, air conditioning is used to cool down, but it is basically not involved in hand protection.
2. Radiant heat high temperature resistant gloves: This is equivalent to the temperature in the summer. It is the high temperature caused by heat radiation, such as the sun and fire. In this case, the widely used protection method is reflected heat, for example, use aluminum foil materials to reflect most of the radiant heat.
3. Contact heat high temperature resistant gloves: This is the high temperature that we generally refer to, the temperature of many casting components, metal parts and other objects in the industrial field. In industrial operations, personnel need to touch or move these high-temperature parts. At this time, protection from high temperature is required.
We also need to consider relevant factors:
The weight of object to be carried is generally heavier, beecause the force of squeezing gloves is greater, the shorter heat conduction time of glove, the shorter time for a single contact with hot object. The frequency of contact with object, the shorter interval between single contact and single contact, the shorter heat conduction time. If the frequency is too high, it is recommended to increase heat dissipation time or change gloves. The hand shape and thickness of gloves. High temperature resistant gloves are relatively thick, because in the same condition, the thicker the gloves, the longer the heat transfer distance and the longer the contact time, but also the heavier the gloves. So we advocate that more dexterous gloves are better as long as gloves can meet protection requirements. The mechanical properties of gloves, high temperature resistant gloves are mostly contact with metal castings, which require relatively good mechanical properties, generally include abrasion resistance, cut resistance and resistance to cracks. These properties are also directly related to the service life of insulated gloves and direct economic utility. Other properties of gloves, such as the special environment in which they are used, many electronics industries need to use high temperature resistant gloves in dust-free workshops, so high temperature resistant gloves are required to prevent lint and antistatic. For example, when contacting high-temperature objects with liquid, it is required that the surface of insulated gloves can be waterproof or even resistant to acid and alkali.
How long the contacting time of high temperature resistant gloves?
The contacting time of high-temperature resistant gloves starts from contact with high temperature and ends up being hot that people feel unbearable, not when they feel a little hot. This time is at least 15 seconds in the CEen407 standard. You can consider a high degree of high temperature resistant gloves if you need to contact for a long time, or contact with a tool indirectly, and choose radiant heat high temperature resistant gloves to solve.